
This is a self indulgent blog.
Poems that I have written and other general rants and comments.

Sunday 11 September 2011

Some more 'silliness that I remember from my youth

Funny how some things remind you of things in the past....stuff that you had completely forgotten about.........
I was reminded of this when I went to buy some false eye lashes to use if I lost mine during my chemo..........

It was fashionable to wear glasses that were half the size of your face! (I wear contacts now).
Well, I had such glasses.
I was invited on a date....heheheh, such fun!
I got all 'dolled up'....
False eye lashes and nails.
We went to the 'flicks'. (Cinema). 'Where Eagles Dare'.
Anyway, whilst in there, we watched the film.
We had pop corn.
Yes, you guessed.
One of my nails must have come off, because my date found it in the pop corn, he had been chewing on it, and had to spit it out.
I didn't want to admit that it was mine, so during part of the film, I was trying to get them off. Well,  they were flicking all over the audience!!!!!
I put the 'butter wouldn't melt in mouth' face on and pleaded ignorant.
When we got out of the cinema, my date kept staring at my face. He said,
"There's something on your glasses".
I took them off to look, and my eyelashes were stuck solidly to the top rim of my glasses!!!!!!!
I was so embarrassed!
Not only that, we had to leave before the film had ended because I had to be home at 10.30, and the last bus was at 10.00. The film finished at 10.45!
My date, bless him, STILL invited me on another date!!!!! Lol!
Being asked on a second date was unusual because most of my dates were eventful in similar ways!

Friday 9 September 2011

Just thought that I would 'share'.

Another truth..........
I was doing a 'sponsored walk' for Mencap.
The walk was over a distance of 21 miles in length.
A beautiful day! I made some sandwiches, filled a couple of large bottles with water,
packed up my rucksack...........
I took Tandy, my beautiful dog....Collie/Labrador cross, (Water, bowl and treats for her also packed).
We jumped in the car, (A red Volkswagon Polo).
Of we drive to the meeting point.
This was at a large park, Mencap had their premises there.

There was no parking there, so I parked on a street.
All the streets were narrow, and there were terraced houses on both sides, two up, two down. There were many streets.
Any way, I eventually found a space, parked up, and me and Tandy walked to the meeting point, with time to spare.
Tandy and the other dogs went 'bum sniffing', as they do, and we people, did our own version of the same, introducing, chatting, hugging....you know.

Ok, time for the off, by this time, every one had gather in their cliques, again, a very natural thing....and off we went.

The sun is still shining, lots of talking, laughing and stopping for little breaks, eating, drinking.....you get the picture.

O.K. 21 Miles completed!!!!!

Back to the car!
All the good byes done, final bout of 'bum sniffing', not me, Tandy!
We headed back to the car................NOT THERE!
I walked up and down the street loads of times, definitely NOT THERE!
It has been stolen!!!!!!!
No mobiles phones then..........I went searching for a phone box 
There wasn't one on the street where I parked the car, so I went to other streets.
I am on the next Street, and see a phone box........Bummer, it is broken.
Now on another street with a phone box, that one is also buggered.
Right now I am really tired and really stressed! We stopped for a while, Tandy had a couple of treats, and some water, and I had an apple.
OK, off to the next street, I am still eating my apple.
Another phone box! AND....it is working!!!!!!
Back then, there were phone books in phone boxes, and some numbers under glass that were useful. (There were also business cards stuck to the inside of the box offering 'various services'. Most of these cards were hand written..........that's by the by.
Any how, looked for the number of the local Police Station and dialled.......
I explained what had happened to the man that answered, he said that there was an officer in the area, and he would meet me in a moment. I had given him the name of the street, and it was agreed that I would meet him by the phone box.

I set Tandy up with water and treats while we waited, I was still chomping on my apple.

Shortly after, the police officer arrived. I told him the whole story, gave him the make and model of my car, and the registration number. I told him where I had parked it. He dutifully wrote down all of the details, and then a really weird look came to his face. He squinted, and briskly walked a few paces passed me in the direction that he was facing......................
I was turning around to see where he had gone, I thought that he had 'flipped!' Lol!
As I was turning, he called me. He was now standing still, about 50 yards away.
I started to walk towards him........................................
Oh, my goodness!
What an idiot!
He was standing right next to my car! Clearly, I had been looking on the wrong street! That was exactly where I had left it.
The police officer was NOT amused!
He was clearly annoyed. He gave me a jolly good telling off! I felt terrible!
Sadly, I didn't learn from this experience, I have 'lost' my car so many times.......................(But, I have not called the police)!

True story, but silly!

Just though that I would like to share some 'incidents' that have occurred at different points through out my life....here is just one....

In the 70's, I was training to be a psychiatric nurse in Leicester...........................
Loving it!
Any way, my Aunt's partner sadly passed, and Mum and I went to London for the funeral. We went by coach.
On the way back, we were at the coach station waiting for the coach home.

A man came up to my Mum, and asked if she had any cheese. He had a very strong Scottish twang, and I believe that he had had a tipple..........................................
I said to Mum,
'Don't worry, I'll deal with this, I am in training for this sort of thing'.
Mum stepped aside, and I started to interact with him.

I opened my bag so that he could see in, I smiled and said,
'I am so sorry, but neither of us have any cheese, but I will happily buy you a cheese sandwich'.

The man looked a little confused for a fleeting moment, then looked sympathetic.
He looked at My Mum and said,
'You need to take this woman home, she f*cking crazy.....have you got any change?'

Complete confirmation that I am a complete dipstick!